Call for Papers

Organizing Committee        Call for Papers        Agenda        Accepted Papers        Important Dates


The cost savings, efficiency and convenience offered by “cloud computing” in its various forms (e.g., PaaS, SaaS, IaaS) are driving a rapid increase in adoption. While cloud computing is especially attractive to new ventures and start-ups requiring a computing infrastructure with minimal upfront infrastructure costs, many established organizations and government agencies, both civilian and military alike, are adopting the technology. It is expected that cloud like infrastructures, whether open or private, will host many of the services that we have come to rely on both in the private and public sector and open the doors to many new applications and services.

Though the goal of the cloud is often to provide low-cost, pay-as-you-go robust computing, delivering a higher level of reliability and security has been one of the biggest challenges of cloud computing. Applications and the underlying cloud infrastructure are subject to failures due to accidental errors and cyber attacks. In spite of these impairments, end users (whether individuals or large business organizations) anticipate applications to perform as expected. In such an all-pervasive computing environment, system assurance (that is, providing security and reliability guarantees) has become a basic computing necessity.

An increasing number of services are being offered using cloud platforms and many of the services that we have come to rely on are expected to be provided via cloud computing. However, delivering a high level of reliability and security continues to be one of the biggest challenges of cloud computing. The main objective of this workshop is to bring together a community of researchers and practitioners from academia and industry in an effort to design dependable cloud architectures that can provide assurances with respect to security, reliability, and timeliness of computations (or services). Some new “assured” target applications include, but are not limited to, real-time computations for monitoring, control of cyber-physical systems such as power systems, and mission critical computations for rescue and recovery.


The WACC workshop aims at addressing the following topics:

The authors are encouraged to submit papers describing original, previously unpublished research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, addressing state-of-the-art research and development. All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of ten (10) printed pages (in IEEE format) including references and figures. Submissions longer than 10 pages will not be considered.

Submission Website

Please submit your contribution here. You will need to create an account if you don’t already have one.

Important Dates